Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Temple Grandin

I've just finished watching this movie, and WOW, what a beautiful, heartwarming story it is! When Claire Danes received her Golden Globe Best Actress award for this movie and she raved about the real Temple Grandin, I knew this was a movie I had to see.

Temple Grandin was diagnosed with autism at age four, but her mother insisted on doing everything she could to help her learn, talk and develop her independence. Temple 'thinks in pictures', and is especially able to visualise the science and technology behind machines and apparatus. She also has a special talent of empathising with animals and being able to see through their eyes.

Temple Grandin has created enclosures that are humane for cattle going to slaughter, by taking away the stressors that make an animal's life scary and changing the environment to make the cattle more relaxed. This was such a revolutionary idea, and it is amazing to see how her inventions came to life in the movie.

I HIGHLY recommend seeing this film, especially if you are a mother, a teacher, or know someone with autism, or other special needs. It is inspiring and uplifting, and the effects used to simulate the way Temple thinks in pictures are fascinating. I am in love with this film!!

My rating:

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