Sunday, January 16, 2011

Leap Year

This is a sweet movie starring Amy Adams. As Anna, she travels to Ireland to meet up with her fiancé, who you can tell from the onset is a right git! Catastrophes occur and she has to be rescued by a guy in a pub in Wales who drives her to Dublin.

Comical moments abound, with car antics, mud puddles, and having to pretend they are a couple.

I enjoyed it. It was a laugh, and there were some convincing romantic moments. Matthew Goode, the guy from Wales, was pretty adorable, the sweeping landscape was beautiful, and Amy Adams wore great clothes.

Tell me, though, why do women in romantic comedies always have to be portrayed as stupid and clumsy? Do guys only go for women because they are pretty? I think not. So why would they hook up with someone so obviously moronic!

Ah, the world of movies! Frustrating, but it works.

My rating:

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