Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mao's Last Dancer

I've been wanting to see this movie since I read the book earlier in the year. Chi Cao plays the part of Li Cunxin perfectly, and is an amazing dancer. Bruce Greenwood also is brilliant as Stevenson, Cunxin's teacher in America.

I didn't really enjoy the to-ing and fro-ing at the beginning of the movie between Cunxin's adult life in America and his childhood in rural China. It was very disjointed. However, once his life at the Beijing Arts Academy begins, the movie is much easier to follow. The movie doesn't have the emotional 'voice' that Cunxin gives the novel, where we feel the turmoil he is going through and the discoveries he makes about life away from his home.

The film is worth watching though, particularly if you are into the arts and dance, and the final two scenes, at the ballet and in China, had me reaching for the tissues! Not one for blokey Aussie boys (like my two).
Don't rush to see the movie, but DEFINITELY read the book!

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