Friday, April 9, 2010

Julie and Julia

The rave reviews about this movie are all true! It is the sweetest portrayal of two lovely ladies, one a famous American chef, and one a blogger from New York who decided to cook all the recipes from Julia Child's book, The Art of French Cooking. The story of Julia Child is very inspiring, the way she felt she should DO something in France and, after trying different hobbies, went to cooking school, where she excelled. (Secretly, and please don't hate me, I was always suspicious that Julia Child was really a man - you know, so tall, and with that funny voice, but this insight to her life shows she had a raging sex life with her adoring husband, so there you go).

Now the thing about Julie Powell is, she is cute and inspiring (being one of the power bloggers) and I assume she was one of the first bloggers to get a huge following (not sure about that). But when I checked out her blog, which is still going strong and gets STACKS of comments, again, don't hate me, but it is the most boring blog I've EVER looked at! There are no pictures, well one maybe, and no links or colours or backgrounds! Sorry, I know she's ever so famous now, and don't sue me, but I need a little more visual to make me put that blog on my blog list!

Anyways, see the movie, it is delicious, and enjoyable, and often funny. Makes me want to write a book, or even cook!


  1. Ok i have written all these titles down and i am heading to the Video shop to stock up....( i just bought the Time Travellers Wife novel at the Fair for $2 so i am excited about reading that too) i am hibinating as the weather is cooling down really fast here so i think a day watching movies curled up in my bed all snug and warm could be in order...PS...Dont tell anyone will you...

  2. You'll love this one, Auntie Anne! Enjoy the couch! Wendy xx

  3. Oh, whoops, the bed! It's been a jammies day for me too!

  4. I love the look of your blog!!! My husband, children, and I love movies, too! I'll be back soon!

    :) Peace,
    Mary Elizabeth
